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The first meeting of the “Unification Future Planning Committee”


On March 15, the Unification Future Planning Committee held its inaugural meeting, attended by Unification Minister Kwon Youngse, and discussed issues, including the directions for establishing the “New Future Initiative on Unification” and the “Audacious Initiative.”

Minister Kwon said that the key to South Korea’s greater leap forward lies in unification and stressed that we need to be more forward-looking and make strenuous efforts in preparing for unification to open up the future of the unified Korea that we dream of.

Moreover, the minister made three requests regarding the operation of the Unification Future Planning Committee as follows:
① Present strategies to achieve a desirable unified future where universal values of humankind, including freedom, human rights, communication, and openness, are realized.
② Establish a sustainable foundation for unification policies that every Korean citizen can relate to and respect.
③ Serve as a communication channel where diverse voices from the Korean people and the international community can be exchanged.

The committee members strongly agreed on the need to redefine the blueprint for a unified future and its implementation strategy and exchanged views on the directions for establishing the “New Future Initiative on Unification” and the “Audacious Initiative.”

The Unification Future Planning Committee will begin holding meetings for each of the five subcommittees to undertake tasks on establishing the “New Future Initiative on Unification” in earnest.

230315 (보도참고자료) 통일미래기획위원회 제1차 회의 사진-2.jpg 이미지입니다. 230315 (보도참고자료) 통일미래기획위원회 제1차 회의 사진-3.jpg 이미지입니다. 230315 (보도참고자료) 통일미래기획위원회 제1차 회의 사진-4.jpg 이미지입니다.