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Unification Minister holds video conference with WFP Executive Director David Beasley


Unification Minister holds video conference with WFP Executive Director David Beasley

June 3, 2020

Unification Minister Kim Yeon Chul held a video conference with Executive Director of the World Food Programme David Beasley on June 3.

Minister Kim and WFP Executive Director Beasley signed an MOU on stepping up cooperation between the two sides over the next five years.

The WFP executive director explained that the COVID-19 situation requires more international cooperation on North Korea projects and asked the ROK government to assume a more active role.
Minister Kim extended his deep gratitude to the WFP for steadily carrying out nutrition and food programs in North Korea even under difficult circumstances including the spread of COVID-19.

The Minister said that the ROK government has a clear vision of a community of life on the Korean Peninsula that it will build through solidarity and cooperation with the international community and North Korea.

He believes that the signing of the MOU between the Ministry of Unification and the WFP laid the foundation for sustainable cooperation toward a community of life on the Korean Peninsula.

The two sides discussed the results of last year’s ROK contributions to WFP projects regarding North Korea and ways by which the ROK could contribute this year and also agreed to increase cooperation going forward.