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Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with Former Member of German Federal Parliament Hartmut Koschyk to discuss Korean Peninsula issues and ROK-Germany cooperation


Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with Former Member of German Federal Parliament Hartmut Koschyk to discuss Korean Peninsula issues and ROK-Germany cooperation

-September 19, 2023-

□ On Tuesday September 19, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho met with Former Member of the German Federal Parliament Hartmut Koschyk and exchanged views on the issues regarding the Korean Peninsula and ROK-Germany cooperation.

o Koschyk served in the parliament for 27 years, and has been acting as a bridge between the Republic of Korea and Germany on various matters, including Korean Peninsula issues.

□ During the meeting, Minister Kim explained the Korean govern-ment’s policies to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue through the “Audacious Initiative” and substantially improve human rights and address humanitarian issues in North Korea.

o Furthermore, the minister noted that the Korean government is actively working towards hosting the EXPO 2030 BUSAN and asked for the German government’s interest and support in this endeavor. He also mentioned that if the Expo were to be held in Korea, a divided country, it would significantly contribute to peace and stability in the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

□ Agreeing on the Republic of Korea’s policies, Koschyk expressed his commitment to cooperate on issues related to the Korean Peninsula, strengthening ROK-Germany relations, and successfully securing the EXPO 2030 BUSAN. //The End//