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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, August 2, 2021
Time: 10:30-10:40 A.M.

1. Regarding inter-Korean communications

After inter-Korean communications channels were restored on July 27, the South and the North have made a total of 9 regular calls through the South-North Joint Liaison Office line as of this morning.

Additionally, the Government, under the name of the South Korean director of the joint liaison office, sent a proposal in document to the North on the afternoon of July 29 to establish an inter-Korean video conference system. Now that communications lines between the two sides have been restored, the ROK Government raised the need to take another step forward to set up a safe and convenient system for talks even under the coronavirus pandemic. We have suggested the South and the North continue to discuss details. As soon as the North responds, the Government will make necessary preparations to swiftly compose a system for virtual talks. This will include conducting compatibility checks of video equipment, connecting communication networks, and undergoing operation tests.

2. Ministry approves civilian organizations’ requests to provide humanitarian assistance to the North

The Unification Ministry resumed approving requests from civilian organizations to provide humanitarian assistance to North Korea as of July 30. The decision was made considering the need for inter-Korean humanitarian cooperation, the consistent requests from organizations, and the urgency of public health and nutrition related aid for the vulnerable.

In this regard, a committee of the public-private inter-Korean humanitarian cooperation policy council will gather at 3 P.M. today. It will be an opportunity to gather opinions of private organizations on the future direction of humanitarian cooperation and discuss potential ideas for cooperation.

3. Q&A (Partial)

Q. Vice Department Director Kim Yo Jong urged South Korean authorities to make a bold decision with regards to the ROK-U.S. joint military exercises yesterday through a press statement. What is the Unification Ministry’s position regarding this?

Also, on July 30, a senior Ministry official said that postponing the joint exercise would be advisable. Does the Ministry have plans to suggest the joint drills be pushed back?

A. The Unification Ministry, under the position that ROK-U.S. joint exercises should not cause military tension on the Korean Peninsula in any case, has consistently tried to approach the issue wisely and flexibly. We will continue to pursue such efforts.

Q. Does the timing of yesterday’s statement, as well as the fact that Vice Department Director Kim Yo Jong was the one to announce it hold any significance?

A. North Korea has a record of criticizing and demanding the suspension of ROK-U.S. joint drills through statements by official organizations and high-level officials, or through media commentaries. There is nothing particular to comment on regarding the presentation and timing of the recent statement.

Q. Vice Department Director Kim Yo Jong stated that the restoration of communications channels between the two Koreas “should not be taken as anything more than just the physical reconnection.” I would like to know the Ministry’s position on pursuing high-level inter-Korean talks and summits.

A. The government acknowledges the restoration of communications lines between the two Koreas as a starting point for improving long severed inter-Korean relations and restoring trust between the two sides. The Ministry will seek to improve inter-Korean relations in a calm and orderly manner, eventually hoping it leads to the resumption of inter-Korean dialogue.

Q. How does the Ministry evaluate the fact that recent developments surrounding the connection of communications lines between the South and the North is not being reported through the North’s Rodong Sinmun?

A. There are times when the North reports on inter-Korean and foreign relations through domestic media outlets such as the Rodong Sinmun, and there are also times it does not. As North Korea has a number of ways of presenting its position, it is not appropriate to take note of and comment on the fact that the North has not domestically reported about the reconnection of communications lines or Vice Department Director Kim Yo Jong’s press statement.

Q. Upon receiving the South’s proposal to discuss the establishment of an inter-Korean video conference system, has the North presented any additional response?

A. The North is yet to respond to our proposal as of now.

Q. Can you confirm exactly what humanitarian cooperation goods were approved for deliverly last week?

A. The Government’s basic position regarding inter-Korean humanitarian cooperation is that it should be pursued regardless of political and military situations, and that cooperation at the civilian level should move forward in a way that respects the autonomy of the private sector.

Under this position, when deciding how much details be disclosed to public, the Ministry respects the position of the relevant organization and makes sure nothing affects the implementation of the humanitarian aid project. Through such considerations, the Ministry does not disclose the specific names of civilian organizations or the detailed list of items being delivered.

Q. There have been media reports about the two Koreas having discussed the Pope’s visit to North Korea in the process of restoring communications channels. Is this true?

A. The Pope’s North Korea visit was not an issued discussed during the exchange of letters between the leaders of the two Koreas. However, the Pope’s visit to North Korea will greatly contribute to the peace process on the Korean Peninsula. The Government the actively support the process if such visit is in the planning.