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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, July 19, 2021
Time: 10:30-10:36 A.M.

1. Itinerary

The extraordinary session of the National Assembly is in progress through July. During this session, the Legislation & Judiciary Committee will deliberate on the revision of the North Korean Refugees Protection and Settlement Support Act, which was passed by the Foreign Affairs & Unification Committee on June 29.

The revised North Korean Refugees Act seeks to improve the support system for business owners who have set an example in employing North Korean defectors, which has been encouraged to increase the employment rate of defectors. It includes easing the employment requirement from “five defectors or more per year” to “three defectors or more,” and ensuring public institutions preferentially purchase goods produced by exemplary business owners.

As the Legislation & Judiciary Committee is scheduled for July 22, and the plenary session for July 23, the amendment is likely to be introduced according to the National Assembly’s deliberation plan. In this case, the Unification Minister will be attending the session. We will notify any further developments as soon as they are set.

2. Regarding implementation of level 4 social distancing measures

Following last week, level 4 social distancing rules will continue being pursued in the capital region this week. The Ministry of Unification will focus on prioritizing the prevention and control of Covid-19 while safely going about with our tasks.

Unification Minister Lee In-young presided over a meeting within the Ministry last week and urged all departments to inspect and comply with quarantine measures. Accordingly, each department is conducting quarantine and operational inspections of its facilities.

3. Q&A

Q. If U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman visits the Unification Ministry, it will be another in a series of high-level negotiations between the Ministry and State Department following Special Representative Sung Kim’s visit. Has there been progress in negotiations on arranging a consultative body between the two parties?

A. The Ministry believes that sufficient communication is needed in various channels to strengthen cooperation on North Korean policy between the ROK and U.S. Accordingly, the Ministry is making efforts to improve communication and consultation with the U.S. From this standpoint, we are discussing with the U.S. side to ensure appropriate communication with Deputy Secretary Sherman during her visit. We will advance consultations between the Ministry and State Department at all levels whenever the opportunity rises.

Q. There are reports that China forcibly repatriated 50 or so North Korean defectors last week. What is the Unification Ministry’s position regarding this issue?

A. The Government has made various efforts to protect and support North Korean defectors abroad. However, there is nothing that the Ministry can confirm regarding the issue.

Q. Recent North Korean media reports and the DPRK Olympic Committee spokesman’s statement suggest that North Korea is maintaining a critical view of the Tokyo Olympics. What is the Government’s assessment or judgement on this?

A. The North has a record of criticizing Japan’s position on Korea-Japan historical and territorial disputes such as those concerning Dokdo. Likewise, the North is emphasizing its position around the recently raised issues involving the Tokyo Olympics.

Q. How is the Covid-19 situation being managed at Hanawon – have the trainees been vaccinated? Have there been any confirmed cases of Covid-19?

A. The Ministry is making utmost efforts to prevent Covid-19 at Hanawon and ensure the  health and safety of trainees during their education period. All employees and trainees wear masks at all times, partitions have been installed in classrooms and cafeterias, and personal hygiene is being emphasized. As of now, there have been no confirmed cases of Covid-19 at Hanawon.

Furthermore, Hanawon is making sure that trainees who meet the age criteria and wish to receive vaccinations be able to do so. So far, three trainees over the age of 60 have been vaccinated.