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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Cho Joonghoon


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Cho Joonghoon
Date: Monday, September 26, 2022
Time: 10:30-10:36 A.M.

1. Regarding North Korea’s launch of ballistic missiles on September 25

Immediately after North Korea's short-range ballistic missile launch, the ROK Government held an emergency meeting of the National Security Council chaired by the director of National Security to discuss the current status of the North’s missile launch and countermeasures.

At the emergency meeting, the participants condemned that the ballistic missile launch is a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions and a provocative act that escalates tension on the Korean Peninsula and in the region, and made it clear that this cannot be justified for any reason. In addition, the Government will actively respond based on cooperation with the United States and its allies.

The Unification Ministry will also closely monitor the North’s developments and prepare for all possibilities while closely cooperating with relevant agencies.

We urge North Korea to acknowledge that such provocations will yield nothing and to respond to our proposal for dialogue and cooperation.

2. Minister’s Schedule

On September 28-29, Unification Minister Kwon Youngse will attend the National Assembly negotiation group leaders’ speech.

On September 30, the Ministry will hold a plenary meeting on the ‘Health and Medical Cooperation Platform on the Korean Peninsula,’ and Minister Kwon will deliver opening remarks at the meeting.

Launched in 2021, the Health and Medical Cooperation Platform on the Korean Peninsula is an integrative platform joined by the Government, the private sectors, international organization, global NGOs to discuss and coordinate the health and medical agenda on the Korean Peninsula. This meeting will summarize the outcome of this year’s discussions and look for ways for cooperation in the future.

3. Q&A

Q. Could you confirm a report that the freight train between North Korea and China has been resumed?

A. Regarding the resumption of the North Korea-China freight train, neither North Korea nor China has yet to make an official response. However, given the relevant circumstances, the train operation between North Korea and China seems to be resumed today.

Q. There was a report over the weekend about a person presumed to be the daughter of Kim Jong Un appeared at the 74th founding anniversary of North Korea. Does the Ministry have more information?

A. We are also aware of the report, and currently analyzing various developments.

Q. Regarding the freight train between North Korea and China, could you elaborate on the background of resuming train operation, and what kind of items are expected to be carried by the train?

A. As the train operation restarted today, it is necessary to keep monitoring on matters such as whether the train will continue to operate or what kind of materials will be transported.

Regarding the background, Kim Jong Un declared victory over Covid-19 outbreak at the National Meeting for Emergency Anti-epidemic Review on August 10.

Ever since North Korea lowered the grade of the top-level emergency anti-epidemic system to an intensified and reinforced normal epidemic prevention work system, the possibility of resuming train operation between North Korea and China has been raised.

Therefore, the Ministry understands that the resumption of the freight train operation is in accordance with the negotiations between North Korea and China.