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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Yoh Sangkey


Date: Monday, June 22, 2020
Time: 10:30-10:40 A.M.

1. Acting Minister's Schedule

Acting Minister Suh Ho will attend the cabinet meeting at 10 A.M. tomorrow.

On June 25, Mr. Suh will attend the vice-ministers’ conference at 10:30 A.M.

2. Q&A (Extract)

Q. What is the Ministry’s stance regarding the North’s claim of distributing 12 million leaflets toward the South? Also, will the Government stop activists from sending leaflets toward the North? If so, how would it be done?

A. The Government has already expressed on June 20 its position regarding the North’s plan to fly leaflets toward the South. The ROKG is thoroughly trying to contain the act of flying leaflets and floating plastic bottles to the North, and at the same time we urge the North to immediately withdraw its plan to send leaflets to the South, as it does no good for inter-Korean relations.

The Government is closely cooperating with the police and local governments to crack down on anti-North leafleting by some civic groups.

Q. Former national security adviser John Bolton’s memoir notes that the North was reluctant to have the South Korean Government take part in President Trump and Chairman Kim’s meeting at Panmunjeom. Does the Ministry have a response to this?

A. There is nothing to comment on regarding claims made by a former U.S. official.
Q. After the North demolished the South-North Joint Liaison Office, the Ministry said that the North should take due responsibility for its action. Has the Government finished reviewing what measures it will be taking against the North?

A. The ROKG is conducting a comprehensive review of all possible measures regarding this.

Q. The North has criticized the ROK-U.S. working group on numerous occasions recently. Does the Ministry have a stance on how the working group operates?

A. The Unification Ministry does not have a separate position regarding the working group. I would like to note that the ROK and U.S. communicate through a number of channels including the working group.

Q. Many are skeptical that the Government will enforce a strong countermeasure against the North, which is why I ask for further explanation on how the ROKG plans to ask the North to take responsibility for its actions. Which related bodies are participating in the review, and is the Blue House also involved?

A. Holding North Korea responsible for its action is a complicated matter as inter-Korean relations are special relations established temporarily in the course of pursuing unification. In this light, seeking legal action against the North is very much different from that between normal diplomatic relations.

On that account, the ROKG is comprehensively reviewing such special conditions and studying related cases in search of a probable measure.