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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, July 26, 2021
Time: 10:30-10:42 A.M.

1. Itinerary

Level 4 social distancing measures are being maintained in the capital region this week. Accordingly, the Ministry will be adjusting all external schedules and continue complying with quarantine measures while pursuing its tasks.

2. Q&A

Q. Tomorrow marks one year since Minister Lee In-young’s inauguration. Is the Ministry arranging any celebratory events? Furthermore, I would like to ask the Ministry to self-evaluate the achievements and tasks pursued since Minister Lee took office.

A. July 27 marks the first anniversary of Minister Lee In-young’s inauguration as Unification Minister. When taking office, Minister Lee started work immediately without holding an inauguration ceremony. Instead, he delivered a short text message about his aspirations to Ministry employees. Similarly, Minister Lee will not hold a separate event celebrating his first year in office, and possibly relay his thoughts to our employees by text message.

The following is the Ministry’s evaluation of the achievements and tasks pursued since Minister Lee took office. Minister Lee, with the determination to diligently lay down a stepping stone on the path toward peace on the Korean Peninsula, has been making utmost efforts to firmly maintain the direction of the peace process. Though it is regrettable that we have yet to produce results in resuming dialogue and cooperation between the two Koreas, we were able to steadily increase the consensus on settling peace on the Korean Peninsula, and have created conditions for improving inter-Korean relations.

Unification Minister Lee In-young will do his best to restore dialogue and advance cooperation between the two Koreas, while adhering to his original intention of laying a stepping stone for peace.

Q. North Korea has remained silent since U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman visited South Korea. With Deputy Secretary Sherman scheduled to hold high-level talks with her Chinese counterpart, are there any developments in the North?
On another note, North Korean President Kim Jong Un sent a verbal message of sympathy to President Xi Jinping with regards to the recent flood in China. The message was sent on July 25, just ahead of Deputy Secretary Sherman’s China visit. How does the Ministry analyze or evaluate this move by the North? 

A. North Korea has not made any specific remarks on Deputy Secretary Sherman’s recent visit to South Korea or China.

Meanwhile, the leaders of China and North Korea have a record of exchanging personal letters in the event of high-level personnel exchanges, major anniversaries, or when natural disasters occur. On July 24, there was a report about President Kim delivering a letter to President Xi to console China’s recent flood damage. This is a part of regular letter exchanges between North Korea and China.

Upon taking rule, President Kim has exchanged a total of nine personal letters with President Xi, including a congratulatory letter on China’s successful response to Covid-19 last year. In addition, Chinese President Hu Jintao sent a consolation letter to the North in 2007, when North Korea was hit by large flood damages.

Q. Are there any developments in the North on the anniversary of the Korean War armistice? What can be anticipated, and have there been any noticeable personnel changes?

A. July 27 marks the signing of the Korean War armistice, and North Korea holds a wide range of celebratory events on this day. With North Korean media reports confirming preparations for the ‘National Conference of War Veterans,’ it is expected that this conference will be held like last year. We will be able to make a comprehensive evaluation of this year’s anniversary tomorrow, after we analyze the events and related developments.

There was also a question about meaningful personnel changes. Today, as the North reported on leading party officials of the central committee visiting lodging quarters of participants in the National Conference of War Veterans, it released the calling order of committee secretaries. Though specific personnel matters are not being confirmed by the North, the Ministry is presuming changes by observing the order of which key figures’ names are called. The Ministry will continue to track changes in the positions of North Korean officials.

Q. Unlike last year’s summer when flood damages were high, this year we are seeing continuous heat waves. Judging from recent North Korean media reports, how is the crop situation and food condition in the North this year?

A. North Korea’s grain production depends greatly on the various weather conditions such as typhoons, floods and droughts in July and August. It is difficult to estimate the outcome at this point. However, as North Korea has repeatedly expressed difficulties in its food situation this year, the Government is closely watching related developments in the North.

In particular, the North is reportedly encouraging its people to prepare for unusual weather conditions including heat waves and droughts. The Ministry will continue to analyze North Korea’s food conditions by comprehensively reviewing all new developments.