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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, June 7, 2021
Time: 11:15-11:27 A.M.

1. Ministry to continue efforts to communicate with private organizations and create conditions for inter-Korean cooperation

Following last week’s meetings with Hyundai Group Chairwoman Hyun Jeong-eun and Ananti Chairman Lee Joong-myung, Minister Lee In-young will sit down for a meeting with Korea Tourism Organization President Ahn Young-bae on June 9 at 2 P.M. The meeting will be another opportunity to seek opinions of organizations concerned with Mount Geumgang tours, and will discuss ideas on resuming inter-Korean tourism projects.

On June 11, Minister Lee will deliver congratulatory remarks at a rice-planting event  arranged by the National Farmer’s Federation held at the flood control area of the Gunnam Dam. The event commemorates the establishment of an “agricultural land for peace” inside the civilian control line area of Yeoncheon County, where local residents will cultivate rice in an eco-friendly manner, and the produced rice will then be used for inter-Korean humanitarian cooperation. This project holds significance not only for humanitarian cooperation between the two Koreas, but also for creating a new model of peace-building and agricultural cooperation in the border area. In particular, such project along the shared waters of Imjin River is expected to promote joint response to natural disasters such as floods and allow for joint use of water resources between the two Koreas. The Government will provide necessary support to assist the project in proceeding smoothly.

2. Ministry to promote communication with people in their 20s and 30s in hope of building consensus on unification

The Unification Ministry has consistently worked toward creating opportunities to discuss peace and unification with those in their 20s and 30s through various means including music, dance, and talks concerts. This month, the Ministry assisted three teams of young artists in expressing the theme of “peace” through live painting, a piano and cello duet, and a Korean traditional music band performance. On June 8, the participating youth artists will stage a live concert with Minister Lee, where musician Yubin and hanbok designer Kim Rieul will emcee the event.

3. Q&A (Partial)

Q. What will be discussed at the meeting with the Korea Tourism Organization?

A. The Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) participated in the Mt. Geumgang tourism project in 2001. Instead of settling a specific agenda for this meeting, it was arranged as an opportunity to hear out ideas and opinions held by organizations that took part in inter-Korean cooperation projects. The Ministry will listen to various stances held by the KTO on Mt. Geumgang tours.

Q. The idea of sending rice to the North and jointly responding to natural disasters seem different in nature. I would like to know how the Government plans to respond to natural disasters. Also, will all rice cultivated in the region be sent to North Korea? If so, the Government will probably have to purchase the rice and send it to the North. Does this not go against sanctions on North Korea?

A. As mentioned, the “agricultural land for peace” will be established in the flood control area of the Gunnam Dam. This is located on the Imjin River, which flows from the North to the South and requires cooperation between the two Koreas in the event of a flood. When and if humanitarian and environmental cooperation progresses, positive conditions will be set for joint measures against natural disasters, including flood warnings and forecasts, and may even lead to negotiations on joint use of water resources between the two Koreas. In this regard, the project can contribute to not only humanitarian cooperation, but further develop toward environmental and agricultural cooperation, and possibly toward issues concerning climate change.

The rice cultivated by local residents will likely be used for humanitarian assistance purposes by the private sector. Such plans need further discussion between the Government and the project entity for specification.

As you may already be aware, humanitarian aid does not violate North Korean sanctions. Further negotiations on this issue will be conducted within the framework of sanctions against North Korea.

Q. There have been cases when North Korea opened its dam without prior notice. Even if this area is called an “agricultural land for peace,” North Korea might irrationally release its waters, affecting the work of our farmers. Does the Government have plans to respond to such situations?

Also, in response to Minister Lee’s remarks supporting the hosting of an international golf tournament at Mount Geumgang, the U.S. State Department issued comments emphasizing the implementation of sanctions. The State Department’s response seems to indicate a negative stance. Does the Ministry plan to hold consultations with the U.S. on resuming Mt. Geumgang tours and holding golf tournaments there?

A. On your second question, the Ministry received a proposal from the civic organization while sitting down for a meeting with the Korea Golf Association Head Lee  Joong-myung on June 4. As we have just recently received the proposal, we plan to review the contents with related agencies including the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, and see if there are any ways to support and cooperate at the government level. In the process of this review, the Government will fully consider aspects that can contribute to inter-Korean sports exchanges and settling peace on the Korean Peninsula, and also look into areas that require cooperation with the international community.

I have seen the State Department’s comments, and understand that they have expressed a principled stance, reiterating the agreements made between our two leaders: that they support inter-Korean dialogue and cooperation, and call for the full implementation of relevant UNSC resolutions by the international community.

As a member of the international community, the ROK Government has maintained its respect for sanctions against North Korea in the process of pursuing all inter-Korean cooperation projects. The Government will, in this manner, consider private-level cooperation proposals including the normalization of Mt. Geumgang tours and holding golf tournaments in the area. We will comprehensively consider the nature of international sports events and the peaceful significance behind such projects, while reviewing its relations to sanctions.

Regarding the first question, the two Koreas have agreed several times through consultations to notify each other before opening its dams located in the shared waters. The basic position of the Government is that prior notice should be made according to such procedures. Whenever there is an opportunity for dialogue with North Korea, we have maintained our position that such agreements must be followed through.

I understand that the question you have raised is in relation to the safety of local residents involved in the farming activities. To prevent any risk from happening in the process of establishing an “agricultural land for peace,” the Ministry will consult with related departments and ensure the project proceed safely and in accordance with the original purpose.