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Ministry of Unification press briefing on restoring communications channels between South and North Korea


 Ministry of Unification press briefing on restoring communications channels between South and North Korea

July 27, 2021

The South and the North agreed to restore inter-Korean communications channels as of 10 A.M., July 27, 2021.

Accordingly, the Ministry conducted calls with the North today through direct communications lines at the Panmunjeom and the South-North Joint Liaison Office. South and North Korea successfully carried out calls through the machine room of the Panmunjeom channel today at 10 A.M. The call through the Joint Liaison Office was made between 11:04 A.M. to 11:07 A.M. by liaison officers. The call was originally attempted at 10 A.M., but technical inspections were needed.

In the call, the South’s liaison officer said, “I am glad calls have resumed. Just as the inter-Korean communications network has been restored, I hope this will continue to bring good news to the Korean people.”

In addition, we suggested that the two sides make regular calls at 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. each day, as did in the past. The North responded to the proposal, hence the South and the North will be continuing calls this afternoon.

The ROK Government welcomes today’s restoration of communications channels between the two Koreas, which was achieved through mutual agreement. We hope that communications between the two sides never be severed again, and look forward to discussing various pending issues and fulfilling previous inter-Korean agreements.