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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Koo Byoungsam
Date: Monday, October 16, 2023
Time: 10:30-10:36 A.M.

1. Minister’s Schedule

On October 17, at 10 A.M., Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho will attend the cabinet meeting, and meet with Julie Turner, the U.S. Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues at 2 P.M.

On October 18, at 10 A.M., Minister Kim will chair the 1st meeting of the 2023 Inter-Korean Relations Development Committee at the Government Complex, and will meet with newly appointed German ambassador to South Korea, Georg Schmidt at 5:30 P.M.

On October 19, at 9:30 A.M., Minister Kim will make a courtesy visit to Very Reverend Kim Sam-Whan of Myungsung Presbyterian Church.

2. Vice Minister’s Schedule

On October 16, at 11 A.M., Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun will attend an unification symposium to celebrate the 126th anniversary of Soongsil University and deliver opening remarks.

On October 19, at 11 A.M., Vice Minister Moon will attend an essay and poster-design contest under the theme of peace on the Korean Peninsula and unification, held at the Korean Press Center. Vice Minister Moon will deliver congratulatory remarks and present awards to the winners.

On October 20, at 7:30 P.M., Vice Minister Moon will visit an event held in Soongsil University to raise awareness on North Korean human rights activities including operas related to North Korean human rights.

3. Q&A

Q) Regarding the repatriation of North Korean defectors staying in China, Minister Kim mentioned on October 11, that he had been aware of the matter through the news report, and on October 13, you made a briefing on this issue. What is the Unification Ministry’s take on some criticism that it took too long, let alone a preemptive response.

A) Let me point out that due to the nature of the case, there are certain limitations in confirming the facts.

Q) Are there any plans related to lawmaker Ha Taekeung’s request for the minister’s apology on October 11?

A) We will consider taking relevant measures including making a statement when we have more information on this issue.

Q) North Korea condemned Japan's plan to move the deployment of long-range missiles to an earlier date through the Rodong Sinmum today. What is the Ministry’s assessment or analysis on this?

A) It is widely known that North Korea has been criticizing Japanese military developments on a case-by-case basis. In fact, we need to be a little more precise in their attribution of blame, as it is North Korea that has escalated tensions on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia. We will continue to respond strongly to North Korea's threats through cooperation with the United States and Japan.

Q) What is the Ministry’s take on continuous reports of possible arms deal between North Korea and Russia, or could you confirm these reports?

A) First of all, there is nothing to confirm beyond what the U.S. government has announced, and the relevant position has been stated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

North Korea has repeatedly denied its arms deal with Russia, however, the relevant circumstances have been revealed on several occasions, which demonstrate North Korea's deception of the world.

As the Government has stated many times, the arms trade with North Korea is a clear violation of UN Security Council resolutions, and any illegal arms trade violating Security Council resolutions must be stopped. In particular, Russia must fulfill its responsibility and role as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Q) During the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee, a number of measures were mentioned related to the repatriation of North Korean defectors in China, and I was wondering if you are actually considering taking action.

A) We have been raising the issue through diplomatic channels at various occasions. As there is a third party involved in this matter, it is difficult to provide specific details or future plans.

Q) It was pointed out in the Committee that there is no status report on the activities on the North Korean human rights within the Unification Ministry, that there is no report related to the Ministry’s efforts to prevent the forced repatriation of North Korean defectors. Are there any improvement being made within the Ministry in this regard?

A) There is nothing specific to mention at this moment, however, we will continue to review those factors as well.

Q) Can we assume that tomorrow's meeting between Minister Kim and Ambassador Julie Turner will also discuss measures on the repatriation of North Korean defectors at the ROK-US level?

A) As Julie Turner is the first U.S. Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights Issues appointed in six years, there will be discussions about cooperation on North Korean human rights in general between the two countries, and this issue of repatriation will certainly be part of their discussions.