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Press Briefings


Regular Briefing by Spokesperson Lee Jong Joo


Date: Monday, April 26, 2021
Time: 10:50-11:05 A.M.

1. In commemorating the third anniversary of the Panmunjeom Declaration

Tomorrow marks the third anniversary of the Panmunjeom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula. A wide range of events will be held this week to commemorate the occasion, and Minister Lee In-young will be attending a few of these events.

On April 27, the ‘Third Anniversary Event for the April 27 Inter-Korean Summit’ will be held at the Gyeongeui Line Inter-Korean Transit Office at 9:30 A.M. The event – co-hosted by the Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation, the Korean Conference of Regions for Peace, and the Civil Society Organizations Network in Korea – was arranged with the intent of implementing the Panmunjeom Declaration and contributing to the improvement of inter-Korean relations and settlement of peace on the Korean Peninsula through exchange and cooperation in the private sector. Minister Lee will assess the historical significance of the Pamunjeom Declaration and express the Government’s will to carry out the agreements.

In the afternoon of April 27, the Gangwon Provincial Office of Education will hold an opening ceremony for a Peace Train experience center at Jejin Station, which utilizes 3D imaging technology such as VR (virtual reality) to provide the public an opportunity to understand North Korea and experience peace. Minister Lee, together with other attendees, will reflect on the meaning behind connecting the South and North Korean railway, and share the future vision of Jejin Station which will serve as the starting point of the eurasian railway.

At this time, the Korea Forest Service is holding a tree planting event to promote the idea of realizing carbon neutrality by 2050 and planting 300 million tress to restore North Korea’s forest. The Minister will emphasize the importance of inter-Korean forestry cooperation in responding to climate change.

On April 28, Minister Lee will deliver congratulatory remarks at a panel discussion co-hosted by 36 lawmakers in establishing an inter-Korean community of life. Inter-Korean humanitarian cooperation, such as sending food and fertilizer aid to the North, will be the main subject of discussion.

Other events will be held throughout the week, including a panel discussion on issues concerning the end-of-war declaration and the Gaeseong Industrial Complex; an academic seminar on the legislation of the waters around the five border islands in the West Sea; and the opening ceremony of an exhibition on the archaeological excavations at Manwoldae Palace in Gaeseong.

2. Ministry to continue pursuing policy efforts to implement inter-Korean agreements

The Unification Ministry, while supporting private-led events to serve as a meaningful opportunity in strengthening the commitment toward implementing the Panmunjeom Declaration together with the general public, will also continue pursuing efforts on a policy basis to carry out inter-Korean agreements.

On such grounds, the Ministry will finalize the 2021 Implementation Plan on the Development of Inter-Korean Relations this week. The implementation plan will address key tasks for 2021 in achieving three main goals : ① Resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue and establishment of permanent peace ② Development of sustainable inter-Korean relations ③ Realization of a New Economic Community on the Korean Peninsula.

Furthermore, the establishment of an inter-Korean video-conference system at the Office of Inter-Korean Dialogue is approaching completion. Since early this year, the Ministry has been working on setting up a video-conference room to facilitate a system that allows for non-contact inter-Korean talks, especially in times of pandemic like the Covid-19.

Lastly, the 2021 White Paper on Unification (Korean) will be published on April 28. The White Paper, which serves the purpose of informing the public about the Government’s efforts in pursuing its policies on unification and North Korea, will consist of seven chapters including policy on the Korean Peninsula, humanitarian cooperation, and settlement support for North Korean defectors.

3. Q&A (Partial)

Q. Officials at the Korean Council for Reconciliation and Cooperation claim that they have heard from the North of loosening border control between North Korea and China. Has the Ministry received anything from the North regarding this?

A. The Government is closely monitoring developments in the border area between North Korea and China. Movements regarding preparations for the resumption of transport are being observed, but there is no information that can specifically confirm when transport will resume.

Q. I am getting the impression that there is no official confirmation regarding this issue. However, with movements evident in the border area, I would like to know if the Ministry is making any type of preparations.

A. The Government believes that humanitarian cooperation between the two Koreas, especially at the private level, should be pursued without interruption. As the border trend between North Korea and China is an important factor in promoting private organizations’ humanitarian cooperation, the Government will continue to monitor relevant developments.

Q. A North Korean defector group said that it plans to fly leaflets to North Korea this week. What is the Unification Ministry’s position regarding this claim?

A. The amendment to the Development of Inter-Korean Relations Act is a law that seeks to protect the lives and safety of our nationals living in the border area. The Government will cooperate with the police and other related agencies to ensure that the law is implemented according to the purpose of the revision.

Q. Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong mentioned last week that the Government is not pursuing a fourth inter-Korean summit as of now. Can you confirm if this is true?

A. The Government’s basic position is that all levels of inter-Korean dialogue, including summits, need to be restored as soon as possible.

The Government has a firm commitment to implement inter-Korean agreements, including that of the Panmunjeom Declaration, and believes that it is important to resume dialogue at and cooperation at an early date to fully follow up on the agreements.

However, I do not have any information to confirm whether the South is pushing for a fourth inter-Korean summit.

Q. Regarding the release of the Ministry’s 2021 Implementation Plan on the Development of Inter-Korean Relations this week, was this plan shared and consulted with the United States? I ask this question as the Foreign Affairs Ministry mentioned it will fully coordinate with the U.S. with regards to North Korea policy.

A. The Development of Inter-Korean Relations Act stipulates that the Unification Minister formulate annual implementation plans in accordance with a master plan which is devised every five years by the Government. The 2021 Implementation Plan is one formulated in accordance with the Third Master Plan of 2018.

There has been a number of opportunities for consultation between South Korea and the U.S. since the formulation of the 2018 Master Plan, which is why we believe that there is a consensus between the two countries on the previously noted three goals. As the implementation plan simply lays out the overall policy-making environment and what the Government seeks to pursue in achieving its goals, a separate round of consultations with the U.S. is seen as unnecessary.

There will be more consultation opportunities in the process of implementing these plans, allowing for the Government to carry out the plan based on sufficient cooperation and consultation with the U.S.