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The Unification Ministry holds a policy roundtable with ambassadors of UN Sending States


Spearheading a “free, unified Korean Peninsula” with the international community and the UN Sending States

The Unification Ministry holds a policy roundtable with ambassadors of UN Sending States (April 5)

On April 5, the Ministry of Unification held a policy roundtable with ambassadors of the UN Sending States.

The policy roundtable was designed to share the understanding of the South Korean government’s vision of a free and peaceful unification, and it was attended by 21 ambassadors to Korea.

During the roundtable, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho pointed out North Korea’s continued hostile behavior, including efforts to “erase the concept of unification” and nuclear threats.

Minister Kim stated that the government is panning out its engagement policy towards North Korean residents based on the constitution and universal values of humanity. He further stressed its commitment to spearhead a “free, unified Korean Peninsula” with the international community centering around countries that share the same values such as the UN Sending States.

Moreover, Minister Kim said, “The Republic of Korea will continue to shape a new unification discourse that contributes to expanding freedom and affluence for North Korean residents and to the peace and prosperity of the world.” He added that this would serve as a pivotal role for international solidarity based on freedom.

Following the event, Minister Kim presented the “three forget-me-nots badges,” symbolizing the prompt resolution of the issue of abductees, to the ambassadors of the UN Sending States, and asked for their wisdom and support in addressing the issue.

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