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The Unification Ministry carries out volunteer work with North Korean defectors on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Unification Ministry’s founding


Reaching into the lives of the people with North Korean defectors at the 55th anniversary of the Unification Ministry’s founding

The Unification Ministry carries out volunteer work with North Korean defectors on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Unification Ministry’s founding (March 4)

On March 4, the Ministry of Unification carried out volunteer work with North Korean defectors on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Unification Ministry’s founding

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho explained, “In commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Ministry of Unification, we have decided to carry out volunteer work reaching into the lives of the people.”

Minister Kim, together with “With,”* a North Korean defectors volunteer corps, visited a community center for senior citizens in Yancheon-gu and cleaned every square inch of the center. The minister also provided words of encouragement to North Korean defectors while sharing a luncheon.

Kim Do-jeong, leader of the corps who also participated in the event, stated, “It was a meaningful occasion to show that North Korean defectors are contributing members of our society and to interact with local residents.”

* With Volunteer Corps: a volunteer group composed of North Korean defectors (founded in 2010, 28 volunteers)

Additionally, Vice Minister Moon Seoung-hyun joined a cleanup activity at Cheonggyecheon with North Korean defectors from Shelter for Settlers*.

Events were also held at the Unification Culture Center (Magok) and Hanawon, where North Korean defectors cooked food and delivered it to nearby nursing homes and local residents.

* Shelter for Settlers: an online community for North Korean defectors (founded in 2008, 38,000 members)

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