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Commemoration ceremony for the 1st Separated Families Day


Separated Families Day is a day to share suffering and longing, and address the issue of separated families

Commemoration ceremony for the 1st Separated Families Day (September 27)

On September 27, the Ministry of Unification held a commemoration ceremony to mark the 1st Separated Families Day*, which was designated as a national memorial day in March.

In addition to the commemoration, cultural events to celebrate Separated Families Day took place at Gwanghwamun Square, featuring a photo and video exhibition on separated families and performances by an art troupe of separated families and a North Korean defector singer.

*As agreed upon by the ruling and opposition parties after ten years of negotiation in March 2023, “Separated Families Day shall be designated as a national memorial day two days before Chuseok each year (August 13 on the lunar calendar) [Article 12 (1) of the Act on Separated Families].”

The ceremony was attended by more than 400 people, including representatives from organizations related to separated families, members of the National Assembly, and government officials, to celebrate the designation of Separated Families Day as a national memorial day and provide solace to separated families in agony.

Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho, in his speech at the ceremony, stressed that the designation of Separated Families Day as a national memorial day is a remarkable change brought about by the united efforts of the ruling and opposition parties and the government. He added that this will serve as important momentum for not only separated families but also future generations in gathering collective resolve to address the issue of separated families.

Furthermore, while Minister Kim strongly urged North Korean authorities to take responsible steps toward addressing the issue of separated families, he stated that the Korean government will continue to make necessary preparations, including the production of video messages, genetic testing, and research on the actual condition of separated families living abroad, to ensure that the families can reunite, even if belatedly.

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