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Minister Kim pays a courtesy visit to the President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism


Minister Kim pays a courtesy visit to the President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, talks over the direction of unification policy

Minister Kim pays a courtesy visit to the President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism (August 17)

On August 17, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho paid a courtesy visit to Ven. Jinwoo, the President of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism, and they exchanged views on the direction of unification policy.

Minister Kim conveyed his stance that the Korean government will continue providing humanitarian assistance to North Korea regardless of the political and military situation if the North opens its borders and will cooperate to resume exchanges in nonpolitical areas such as the religious community by creating favorable conditions.

Moreover, the minister expressed his gratitude on behalf of the government to the Jogye Order for their active support for the World Scout Jamboree-2023, including offering Templestays to the participants.

Ven. Jinwoo noted that to be free from the North Korean nuclear threat, we need to hold a superior position and build solid security, and with that, we need to open the door for exchanges in nonpolitical areas such as culture.

In response, Minister Kim said that the government will closely cooperate with the Jogye Order when implementing unification policies and will work to reflect Ven. Jinwoo’s advice in them.

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