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Minister Kim Yung Ho organizes a policy briefing for ambassadors to South Korea from Korean War participating nations


The Unification Ministry will drive positive changes in North Korea through solidarity and cooperation with the international community, centered on UN member states involved in the Korean War

Minister Kim Yung Ho organizes a policy briefing for ambassadors to South Korea from Korean War participating nations (November 21)

On November 21, the Ministry of Unification held a policy briefing for ambassadors to South Korea from nations involved in the Korean War.

The briefing, held in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the armistice agreement of the Korean War, aimed to bolster communication and cooperation with UN member states involved in the Korean War and was attended by ambassadors from 21 countries.

During the briefing, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho explained the South Korean government’s efforts to improve human rights in North Korea, such as the publication of the Report on North Korean Human Rights and the appointment of a new ambassador on North Korean human rights. Minister Kim also asked for the UN member states’ interest and cooperation in the upcoming plans, including the release of the North Korean Human Rights Roadmap and the Status Report on the North Korean Economy and Society.

Additionally, the minister emphasized that if the UN member states that participated in the Korean War and share core values such as “freedom, democracy, and human rights” strengthen mutual solidarity and cooperation, and “unwaveringly continue imposing sanctions against and exerting pressure on North Korea, the North will have no choice but to change.” In this regard, he added that the Ministry of Unification will continue to communicate with the embassies in South Korea.

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