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Unification Minister delivers a congratulatory speech at the 2024 NK Forum


The economic and financial difficulties in North Korea stem from the distorted policies and expenditures of the North Korean regime

Unification Minister delivers a congratulatory speech at the 2024 NK Forum (February 16)

On February 16, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho attended and delivered a congratulatory speech at the 2024 NK Forum hosted by the Institute for National Security Strategy under the theme of “North Korea’s Policy Changes Towards South Korea and Our Response.”

During the speech, Minister Kim pointed out that the recent shift in North Korea’s policies towards South Korea and armed provocations are acts of self-acknowledgment, portraying North Korea as an anti-national and anti-historical group. He added that these actions also represent a negation of the long-shared and profound history of the Korean people.

Emphasizing that peace can only be safeguarded by “overwhelming power,” Minister Kim stated that the South Korean government will persist in responding strongly to North Korea’s provocations based on a firm readiness and trilateral cooperation between the ROK, the U.S., and Japan.

Furthermore, Minister Kim remarked, “Even at this moment, the North Korean regime is solely focused on nuclear and missile development, neglecting the financial difficulties of their own people.” He added that such realities of North Korea are outlined in the Status Report on North Korean Economy and Society.

Additionally, Minister Kim appealed for participation in efforts to improve the freedom and human rights of North Korean residents in a bid to realize a liberal democratic unification.

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