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Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with members of the Korean-German Parliamentary Friendship Group to discuss Korean Peninsula issues and Korean-German cooperation


Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with members of the Korean-German Parliamentary Friendship Group to discuss Korean Peninsula issues and Korean-German cooperation

-October 30, 2023-

□ On October 30, Unification minister Kim Yung Ho met with members of the Korean-German Parliamentary Friendship Group, including Heike Baehrens, Chairperson of the Group, to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula and policy on North Korea.

※ The Group included Heike Baehrens (Chairperson of Korean-German Parliamentary Friendship Group, Social Democratic Party), Thomas Röwekamp (Vice President of the Senate, Christian Democratic Union), Christian Görke (Left Party), Canan Bayram (The Greens) and Olaf in der Beek (Free Democratic Party)

□ Minister Kim welcomed the group’s visit to the Ministry of Unification and expressed his hope to deepen mutual cooperation based on universal values and principles as Korea and Germany celebrate the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations this year.

o The minister explained the South Korean government’s policy directions on North Korea’s denuclearization, the promotion of human rights in North Korea, and preparation for unification based on a liberal democratic order. He also asked for the German Parliament’s cooperation and support for the vision of “a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace,” which the leaders of South Korea, the United States, and Japan expressed support for in August.

□ Mentioning that the resolution on “Enhancing and Developing the South Korea-Germany Values Partnership,” adopted by the German Federal Parliament two weeks ago, included support for the unification of the Korean Peninsula, the Group expressed interest for the South Korean government’s policy direction.

□ Meanwhile, Minister Kim noted that Busan, which the Group will visit tomorrow, is bidding to host the World Expo 2030, and sought the Group’s support for the bid.

□ The meeting is part of efforts to expand international support for the vision of “a free and peaceful unified Korean Peninsula,” and the Ministry of Unification will continue to engage with the international community to carry out “a peaceful unification based on the basic free and democratic order” as stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Korea.
/The End/