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Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with Canadian Ambassador to South Korea Tamara Mawhinney to discuss Korean Peninsula issues and ROK-Canada cooperation


Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho meets with Canadian Ambassador to South Korea Tamara Mawhinney to discuss Korean Peninsula issues and ROK-Canada cooperation

November 13

□ On Monday afternoon, November 13, Unification Minister Kim Yung Ho met with Tamara Mawhinney, Canadian Ambassador to South Korea, and exchanged views on the state of the Korean Peninsula, North Korea policies, and North Korean human rights issues.

□ The two sides acknowledged the significance of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and Canada this year and agreed that their relationship is developing further after being elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

□ Minister Kim expressed gratitude for Canada’s significant contributions to the defense of freedom and peace on the Korean Peninsula as a participating nation in the Korean War and a part of the UN forces.

  o Moreover, the minister asked for the Canadian government’s support and cooperation, noting the South Korean government’s efforts for the denuclearization of North Korea and to resolve issues pertaining to North Korean human rights and the forced repatriation of North Korean defectors.

□ Ambassador Mawhinney explained that Canada, at both the government and embassy levels, is actively working to improve human rights in North Korea, and expressed her hope for closer cooperation with the South Korean government.

□ In addition, both sides agreed on the significance of multilateral efforts in improving North Korean human rights and the necessity for mutual cooperation in this regard.

□ The meeting is part of efforts to share and expand support for the vision of “a unified Korean Peninsula that is free and at peace,” and the Ministry of Unification will continue to engage more in communications with countries that share the same values.
//The End//