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South-North Relations

Weekly Report on North Korea


Weekly Report on North Korea No.

Weekly on North Korea

1. Domestic Affairs
Chairman of the National Defense Commission Kim Jong-il inspected Unit 1200 of the Korea People's Army (KPA), accompanied by senior officials.

TV programs praised Chairman Kim on the upcoming occasion of his Feb. 16 birthday. Such programs were included, "the Era of His Perpetual Achievements and Honor" (aired from Jan. 18) and "the Great History of Patriotism" (Pyongyang Broadcasting Station on Jan. 31). Central Broadcasting Station reported an exhibition of "Kimjongil" flowers held in Pyongyang (Feb. 2). The opening ceremony of Paektusan Cup Sports Meet for central government officials was held at a basketball court on Jan. 28. TV stations also reported that an arts festival would be held in Pyongyang from February to April. Exhibitions of arts, Korean traditional dress and souvenirs, and a computer graphics contest were scheduled for his birthday.

Agricultural and environmental conventions were held at the People's Palace of Culture from Jan. 29 to 30 and Jan. 31, respectively.

2. South Korean Relations
North Korean social organizations issued statements supporting the petitions and propositions made at the joint meeting of the government, political parties and major social organizations. They were the Kim Il-sung Socialist Working Youth League (Jan. 26), the Union of Agricultural Working People (Jan. 27), the Korean Democratic Women's Union (Jan. 28) and the North headquarters of the National Alliance of Youth and Students for the National Reunification (Jan. 30).

North Korean news reported that South Korean dissident organizations, including regional alliances of student councils, adopted special resolutions to back the petitions made at the North Korean joint meeting.

News media in Pyongyang also reported on Jan. 31 that the South headquarters of the National Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon) and another pro-Pyongyang group denounced Lee Hoi-chang, leader of the South Korean Grand National Party, for his criticism of Mt. Geumgang tourism project.

3. External affairs
The North Korean Foreign Ministry issued a statement on Jan. 31, attacking U.S. President Bush's State of the Union address. "U.S. Presidents have never threatened to raid us, a self-reliant sovereign state, this boldly and directly," a spokesman of the Ministry said in the statement. "His address is equivalent to the declaration of war against us."

North Korea also denounced the CIA report that suggested it had nuclear weapons. "It is an intentional and planned maneuver to brand our republic as a nuclear criminal and isolate us from the international community," a North Korean news commentary said.

Rodong Sinmun ran a commentary, titled "the Japanese Self-Defense Forces (SDF) are aggressors even if they wear U.N. helmets." It denounced the recent Japanese steps to dispatch SDF to the U.N. peacekeeping unit.

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